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Monday, January 17, 2005

Golden Globes 2005

Yay, last night, right after I finished my entry, I continued writing the subsection 2 of SD:IS's Episode 22, and I think it's shaping out to be pretty well. But enough with that.

Just watched the Golden Globes just now, and see how did my predictions fare.

Best Picture - Drama: The Aviator

I picked Million Dollar Baby because I wasn't entirely impressed with The Aviator. Apparently, I was right, Martin Scorsese ain't going to return empty-handed. But instead of rewarding him with a Best Director as I've expected, they rewarded him with this.

Best Picture - Musical or Comedy: Sideways.

Thus, I don't have to delete my blog.

Actor In A Leading Role - Drama: Leonardo Dicaprio

Once again, I got this right.

Actor In A Leading Role - Musical Or Comedy: Jamie Foxx


Actress In A Leading Role - Drama: Hilary Swank


Actress In A Leading Role - Musical or Comedy: Annette Bening

All right, I went with Kate even though Annette was the hot favourite. My mistake. The Golden Globes tend to have some surprises, so I expected it to happen in this category (kinda like how Richard Gere got Best Actor in a Comedy and Musical for Chicago two years ago). Apparently, it happened in both supporting acting awards.

Actor In A Supporting Role: Clive Owen

This is a massive surprise. To tell y'all the truth, I thought he had the LEAST chance in winning it.

Actress In A Supporting Role: Natalie Portman

Whilst lamenting that she has been robbed of a nomination for Garden State, a movie I really really liked, I didn't really expect her to win this one either. Closer had been getting pretty mixed reviews, so never thought that it would get a single award at all.

Director: Clint Eastwood

Thought they would give this to Martin Scorsese while Clint would get the Best Picture. I was wrong.

Screenplay: Alexander Payne


Foreign Film: The Sea Inside

I'm surprised that both of my picks, Motorcycle Diaries and Very Long Engagement, didn't make it. Definitely gonna see The Sea Inside when I get to Singapore next week.

Damn, five out of eleven. But at least I got the major acting awards correct. Hah.