My old laptop died last month and I ended up being forced to get a new one. Well, it was about time anyway, the laptop had been with me for more than 3 years, a usual life span for laptops?
I just opened its hard disk and hooked it up to my new comp just now because I needed to extract some information needed for tomorrow's final Masters' Thesis presentation. Then I saw some of the photos from my last day in Cannes which I have yet to upload on Flickr, and also an earlier video, so here you go.
This video was taken on May 18th, when Professor Ando was bringing us to this nice place for dinner.
Click here if you can't see embedded video.
Now, the rest of this post is a continuation of THIS POST. After the photography session with Fooi Mun the lead actress and Ming Jin, we returned to the lobby.

We had an interview session with Harumi (middle) of Cinema Today.

When evening came, we had a feast.

Coming to Cannes Film Festival had sparked the passion of acting in Moon Lai's soul. She wondered wistfully when would she ever return to this festival.

But then, when we are passionate, all barriers can be transcended, our achievements may have no bounds, no limitations. It's all about passion, hard work, and faith, not faith in religion, but just faith in what we do. Perhaps she understood that.

I later asked her to do the 'Megan Fox on a bike' pose from Transformers 2.
She didn't do it.

I just opened its hard disk and hooked it up to my new comp just now because I needed to extract some information needed for tomorrow's final Masters' Thesis presentation. Then I saw some of the photos from my last day in Cannes which I have yet to upload on Flickr, and also an earlier video, so here you go.
This video was taken on May 18th, when Professor Ando was bringing us to this nice place for dinner.
Click here if you can't see embedded video.
Now, the rest of this post is a continuation of THIS POST. After the photography session with Fooi Mun the lead actress and Ming Jin, we returned to the lobby.

We had an interview session with Harumi (middle) of Cinema Today.

When evening came, we had a feast.

Coming to Cannes Film Festival had sparked the passion of acting in Moon Lai's soul. She wondered wistfully when would she ever return to this festival.

But then, when we are passionate, all barriers can be transcended, our achievements may have no bounds, no limitations. It's all about passion, hard work, and faith, not faith in religion, but just faith in what we do. Perhaps she understood that.

I later asked her to do the 'Megan Fox on a bike' pose from Transformers 2.
She didn't do it.