24th of June, last day of the workshop in Brignogan. After the session ended, I was interviewed by a local paper! (Orsi of Hungary, served as translator)

Lorena of Mexico got interviewed too.

Finished with the interviews, we headed out to take a group photo. I snapped some shots while the photographer was setting things up.

(from left to right: the five tutors = Franz, Anita, Marietta, Gino and Antoine)

The crowd dispersed after the photo was taken.
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The journalist guy needed to take a photo of the people he had interviewed, I asked him to take one with my camera too.

From left to right: Alvaro of Spain, Lorena of Mexico, Alessandro of Italy, Aldrina of Venezuela, and me. We're an international bunch.
We then headed off for dinner.
The weather was pretty good.

We dined by the sea. Delicious mussels.

Dining and chatting. Eva (she's one of my favourite Singaporean filmmakers!) and Alessandro discussing some script stuff.

With Alvaro.

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We then headed off to the Tutor's MANSION. It was close to 10pm, the sun was setting.

Eva took some of the last photos. That's why she's one of my favouritest Singaporean filmmakers.
The mansion.

(from left to right: Laura from Italy, Savina, also from Italy and the head of the workshop, and her daughter)

(Long-time friend Laura of Luxembourg, we differentiate her and the previous Laura by pronouncing their names differently. This Laura sounds like your normal Laura, while Italy's Laura sounds more like Lah-oo-rah.)
At that time, Japan was playing Denmark.

My yellow brothers of Japan ended up winning 3-1. It was a joyous moment.

Then the party started.
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Lorena of Mexico got interviewed too.

Finished with the interviews, we headed out to take a group photo. I snapped some shots while the photographer was setting things up.

(from left to right: the five tutors = Franz, Anita, Marietta, Gino and Antoine)

The crowd dispersed after the photo was taken.
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The journalist guy needed to take a photo of the people he had interviewed, I asked him to take one with my camera too.

From left to right: Alvaro of Spain, Lorena of Mexico, Alessandro of Italy, Aldrina of Venezuela, and me. We're an international bunch.
We then headed off for dinner.
The weather was pretty good.

We dined by the sea. Delicious mussels.

Dining and chatting. Eva (she's one of my favourite Singaporean filmmakers!) and Alessandro discussing some script stuff.

With Alvaro.

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We then headed off to the Tutor's MANSION. It was close to 10pm, the sun was setting.

Eva took some of the last photos. That's why she's one of my favouritest Singaporean filmmakers.
The mansion.

(from left to right: Laura from Italy, Savina, also from Italy and the head of the workshop, and her daughter)

(Long-time friend Laura of Luxembourg, we differentiate her and the previous Laura by pronouncing their names differently. This Laura sounds like your normal Laura, while Italy's Laura sounds more like Lah-oo-rah.)
At that time, Japan was playing Denmark.

My yellow brothers of Japan ended up winning 3-1. It was a joyous moment.

Then the party started.
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