"KANA is a fairy that lives in the forest, sings about humans, and makes stuffed animals and clothes. The forest is in space, on Saturn. Her hair color changes depending on the season and her mood. "

Kana wears panties on her head, claims in interviews that her son is a stuffed panda named Travolta, and sings like a combination of Bjork, Ai Otsuka, and early-80's Lydia Lunch. In other words Kana is punked out. (I've also heard some of her stuff compared to a Japanese version of Sleater-Kinney, which, again, is bizarre but makes sense).
She used to be a model for the Gothic and Lolita Bible.
Not all of Kana's music is good. A lot of it is shit. But many of her songs push the boundary of "logically this should be unlistenable but it's genius." They are nothing if not emotive.

You will probably hate it at first, just warning you.
Keep listening.
This is true avant-pop, with the occasional death-scream.
Log up her official site.
You can download all of her albums for free, here.

See an interview with Kana. This is the most hardcore thing ever. NOTHING can prepare you for Kana in this interview.
Watch Kana's 'Chimame' video. Good stuff, her outfit is awesome.
UPDATED (12th May, 2014)
Edmund's note: 8 years have passed since Guestblogger Justin had posted about her, and I haven't given her a single thought. But today, seeing this post again, I was overwhelmed by curiosity. So I Googled about her and found out that, as of 2014, Kana (now known more commonly as Moon Kana) is still active. You can find her on her Youtube page, or Facebook, and Soundcloud.
Don't stop, Moon Kana.